Wednesday 13 July 2016

Rainy season thailand

The monsoon season usually is accompanied by heavy rain but will normally have rough seas. Thailand has three official seasons - hot, cool, and wet. Rainfalls do not occur frequently but when they do, they can last a few minutes or several hours. Sometimes the months of May and June will also see some extra rains as they lead into the official monsoon season.

During the rainy season, the high will be around 89º F ( 32º C ) and the daily low around 78º F ( 25º C ). Places to visit during the rainy season in Thailand.

Of course sunshine and clear blue skies are infinitely more preferable to rainy days. Sea breezes in coastal areas provide natural air-con. September and October are ideal for the north and the gulf coast. Low Season (Jul–Oct) Monsoon season ranges from afternoon showers to major flooding. It can bring flash floods and dangerous situations, as electricity poles are struck by lightening and wires fall into pools of water.

However, like the “cool” season , the name “ rainy season ” is slightly misleading. Is it crazy to come to Samui during rainy season ? Well, that too depends on what you have in mind for your time in Thailand. The cool season lures in millions of tourists each year.

When is Koh Samui rainy season ? But there are many pros to travelling to the Kingdom during the rainy season too. Here, everything you need to know about raining season in Thailand. The other northern season is from May to.

Let’s look at where and when it rains here. Asia Highlights takes everything, including the weather, into consideration when designing the best possible itinerary for guests. April and May see an increase in both, with temperatures peaking at 36°C. So in short, go to the east coast between January and August.

Go to the west coast between November and March. Bangkok’s dry season runs from November to May. A cooler period of little rain and temperatures around 26°C lasts until mid-January.

I also learned the hard way that the tail end of the dry season in the Philippines is also jellyfish season , so just know that there rarely is a ‘perfect’ season to travel somewhere and there will. The rainy season starts in early July with thunderstorms in the the late afternoon or early evening. These storms can be quite heavy and with gusty winds preceding the incoming storm. The plan was to start in Phuket and then make our way up to the northern parts of Thailand.

Finally, another dream to check off the list! Greeted with sunshine during Phuket rainy season. We knew we were visiting Phuket during the rainy season but figured we’d be ok based on what we read on the internet.

Funny, clever and informational. Thailand’s rainy season is not the same through the whole country. Also known as the monsoon season , the rainy season occurs at different times depending on the part of the country. Just stay away from the crazy traffic (which is even crazier if it rains) in Bangkok and you should be fine. Rainy Season and Weather in Bangkok.

For rainy season , erase all notes to date and start over. Instea pack quicker-drying fabrics. But first, don’t give up on beaches completely. Some people like the wil deserted atmosphere along the sands when most people are far away.

I am planning to visit paṭṭaya, Bangkok, Phuket. Two nights each in the month of June 24th. Along with June and July this is also a good rainy season month to consider visiting Phuket.

Rainfall often comes in short intense bursts punctuated with periods of sunshine. A fair chance of sunny weather between showers, low season prices and smaller numbers of tourists can make August a pleasant time to be there.

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