This site won’t let us show the description for this page. I will permit my Parole Officer or Corrections Officials to. When someone is brought in by local law enforcement, a RAP sheet is filled out and then charges filed.
All court documents, jail paperwork, and eventually prison forms are included in the mix. The respective DOC maintains a centralized database of inmates which anyone can find easily.
All other correctional facilities are working as a separate unit and keep their data on their own. This system generates the public website and is also the conduit to NCIC. The information provided on this site is intended for community safety purposes only and should not be used to threaten, intimidate, or harass.
Misuse of this information may result in criminal prosecution. Sex Offender Information by Last Name or Zip Code. SANTA FE COUNTY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ERRORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF THESE DATA. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFIRMING DATA ACCURACY.
A full custody list display is also available.
It can take several minutes to load and if printed will produce a document of over pages.