Here is a look at some of the most common causes of lower sperm count that you may want to consider. Probably one of the most common causes of low sperm count in men is emotional and physical stress. Men often deal with stress in relationships, at work, or in other areas of life. Ways to Boost Male Fertility and Increase Sperm Count. Infertility is a problem for many men.

Here are science-backed ways to increase sperm count and enhance overall fertility in men. In fact problems with sperm number or quality contribute to around half all fertility problems. The main sign of low sperm count is the inability to conceive a child. There might be no other obvious signs or symptoms. In some men, an underlying problem such as an inherited chromosomal abnormality, a hormonal imbalance, dilated testicular veins or a condition that blocks the passage of sperm may cause signs and symptoms.
Low sperm motility is a condition where the sperm is unable to move at an adequate speed and maintain an appropriate direction. This in reduced possibility of fertilization or pregnancy. With change in lifestyle habits, the incidence of low sperm motility has been increasing. Sperm count is a key factor in fertility. Medications, alcohol, stress, and other influences can reduce sperm count and reduce fertility at the same time.
Find out here about some home remedies. Low Sperm Count Causes, Testing, Diagnosis and Treatment for Males with Low Sperm Count. This is the term used to describe a sperm count less than million sperm per ml. If there are no sperm at all in the semen sample, the condition is termed azoospermia.
When you are trying to have. Diet plays an important role when it comes to sperm count. Extensive research shows that of male infertility is caused by low sperm count.
The good news is that a few dietary changes can boost sperm production and reverse infertility. If you are wondering how to increase sperm count by foo look no further! Male fertility problem is mainly because of two reasons and these are: low sperm count and low sperm motility. This problem is extremely common among men. Closely following is the low sperm motility problem.
If after that also the count is less, then you are suffering from low sperm count. Low sperm count means that, when teste the total amount of sperm in your semen is below a certain amount. You will be diagnosed as having low sperm count if you have fewer than million sperm per milliliter of semen.

A low sperm count is the most common fertility problem for men. Nonetheless, many men who have a low sperm count are still able to father a child. Read on to find out ways to boost male fertility and increase sperm count naturally, and to understand lifestyle factors which can impact male fertility. The presence of couples unable to conceive is an increasingly common. Do you know the symptoms and signs of low sperm count ? Obesity lowers testosterone levels, which drive sperm production.
Almost out of men in the U. It’s not easy to lose weight, but losing weight and reducing waist size will help increase his fertility. Are you concerned about the possibility of a low sperm count ? If so, then you may want to consult with a urologist to learn more about your reproductive possibilities. For many, the idea of seeing a specialist for a medical concern such as this can cause anxiety because we don’t know what to expect.
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