Over time, more and more countries decided to join. The Union currently counts EU countries. At present, May is celebrated annually as Europe Day.
Each member state is party to the founding treaties of the union and thereby subject to the privileges and obligations of membership. These countries share a common currency called the Euro. Those in who reside in EU countries are also granted EU passports, which allow for easy travel between. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
The EU represents one in a series of efforts to integrate Europe since World War II. These are the outsiders looking in at the member EU Club. Andorra - EU structure does not work well with micro-states. However, there are other countries which are in Europe hence within the EU radius but are not part of the union for one reason or the other.

European Union Composition of the European Union. It eliminates all border controls between members. That allows the free flow of goods and people, except for random spot checks for crime and drugs. Graph, map and compare more than 0time series indicators from the World Development Indicators.
There are countries in Europe today, according to the United Nations. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subregion (based on the United Nations official statistics). However, the United Kingdom (UK) is in the process of withdrawing from the union since it has triggered Article 50. Previously only member territories have left the EU upon gaining independence.
Nineteen of the countries use the euro as their official currency. Of these, two countries , Russia and Turkey, straddle Europe and Asia. Citizens from some non-EU countries are required to hold a visa when travelling to the Schengen Area. The EU has a common list of countries whose citizens must have a visa when crossing the external borders and a list of countries whose citizens are exempt from that requirement. Having said this, British financial and insurance institutions, some of which are among the largest in the worl have already made provisions to trade in euros, as have many other financial institutions world-wide.
The EU helps its member countries with issues such as trade, security, and the rights of citizens. Scholarships may cover , , or 1 of the tuition fee. It is the place where some of earliest civilizations settled and prospered. Instead of getting better, most of the Eurozone countries are experiencing declines in their economic prospects.

It was created in the aftermath of the Second World War. Sanctions may target governments of third countries , or non-state entities and. It is founded upon numerous treaties and has undergone expansions that have taken it from member states to 2 a majority of the states in Europe.
RICHEST AND POOREST EU COUNTRIES. This unified body eliminates border control allowing for the flow of people and goods. Member states also receive technologies and are represented by the EU within judicial and legislative institutions.

Interdependence in trading was seen as a guarantee for peaceful relationships between nations. Several more meetings and treaties over the. The data refer to the entire state and are comprised of the debts of central. When someone thinks about poorest nations there mind goes for those nations which are war torn or to such countries which lies in African regions.
Some might think of the Asian countries as well and then they would speak about Latin American and p. It has created a common economic area with Europe-wide laws allowing people to move and trade in other EU countries almost the same as they do in their own. What bound them together was a mutual defense obligation under Article Five of the modified Brussels Treaty, which meant that.
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